The Automatic Control Department team, being part of the scientific community, is also recognized by the industry in very numerous domains of aeronautical, spatial, mechanical, automobile and energy sectors for example. The strong points of the team are robustification and retuning of controllers, which is in response to a strong industrial demand, in addition to taking into account constraints, a problem on which the team has obtained promising results.


The skills of the team are modeling, optimization and control of complex dynamical systems. In the light of amplifying, diversifying its cooperation and adapting to the industrial world, the department aims to enlarge its domain of applications, mainly within the environmental, financial and biotechnologies sector. The team has also been well-concerned with the issues and impacts of automatic control, mostly in terms of economical optimization and techniques of complex processes.


The research is currently undergone by the team “EA 1399”, funded by the ministry in charge of research, according to three thematic axes :

  • Modeling and control of complex systems,

  • Robust multivariable control,

  • Predictive control.

Shortly, in order to provide a better view of our approach, a unique theme will regroup and unify our themes into: “Uncertain dynamical systems, control and optimization”.