Conference Papers Year : 2021

Experimental assessment of the influence of particle properties in filtration: Development and validation of a pilot for nuclear fuel fabrication


A shaping process for the manufacture of nuclear fuel pellets is studied. The key steps in this new development path are based on the controlled precipitation of particles [1] and the development of a pressure slip casting equipment. Pressure slip casting has been extensively studied for ceramic compounds. The formulation of concentrated suspensions is evaluated by exploratory test in plaster molds [2], and the process simulation is validated by expression-filtration experiments [3]. Based in a previous work [4], several batches of perfectly characterized particles (SEM image and granulometry) were synthesized and analyzed in a front filtration cell and in a compression-permeability cell (cf. Fig. 1). An investigation of the influence of size and shape particles distribution for diluted suspensions has been implemented to better understand the pressure slip casting process. Based on existing models [5][6], we study the variables influencing the evolution of flow resistance as a function of compression pressure. These models have a term that takes into account the porosity of the bed (volume of voids that allow the flow of fluid), a term linked to the specific surface of the particles (related to the hydraulic diameter or the falling diameter of the particles), and a correlation term. We analyse by model-experiment comparison, the optimal suspension properties for this separation and shaping process. It is therefore essential to understand the influence of physico-chemical interactions between solid particles and additives on the process. These interactions are related to the size and specific surface area of the particles. They will be taken into account in the filterability model under development. The pressure slip casting pilot at scale 1 is designed as a radial cell to take advantage of the increase in filter surface area (cf. Fig. 2). The experimental validation of the pilot at low pressures shows that, depending on the particle size and shape, a 1D (cake homogeneous in thickness) or 2D (height and thickness) construction takes place. Validating the mechanical strength of the cake after demoulding and linking the green properties to the compaction mechanism is the next step- for the feasibility of the pressure slip casting process. The influence of the particle size and shape distribution, not only on the filterability, but also on the formulation of the suspension and the green structure, will be analysed.
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hal-04455718 , version 1 (13-02-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04455718 , version 1


David Diaz, Sophie Charton, Denis Ode, Franck Doreau, François Puel. Experimental assessment of the influence of particle properties in filtration: Development and validation of a pilot for nuclear fuel fabrication. International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA, Mar 2021, Virtual conference, Italy. ⟨hal-04455718⟩
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