- Algorithmics
- Algorithms and Models for Integrative Biology
- Appstat
- Architectures, Languages and Compilers to Harness the End of Moore Years
- Bioinformatique (LRI)
- Database optimizations and architectures for complex large data
- Données et Connaissances Massives et Hétérogènes (LRI)
- Extreme Interaction
- Formally Verified Programs, Certified Tools and Numerical Computations
- ForTesSE
- Global parallel and distributed computing
- Graphes, Algorithmes et Combinatoire (LRI)
- Human-Centered Computing (LRI)
- Integration of data and knowledge distributed over the web
- Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes d’Inférence
- Interacting with Large Data
- Machine Learning and Optimisation
- Modélisation hétérogène (LRI)
- Performance Optimization by Software Transformation and Algorithms & Librairies Enhancement
- Réseaux et Optimisation Combinatoire Stochastique (LRI)
- Situated interaction
- Systèmes parallèles (LRI)
- TAckling the Underspecified
- Vérification d'Algorithmes, Langages et Systèmes (LRI)