Conference Papers Year : 2016

Receding Horizon Based Offline Gain Adjustment For Contour Error Reduction In High Speed Milling


Contour error rather than tracking error is the main concern in multi-axis machining with industrial High Speed Machines. Obtaining high contour performance using fixed gain controllers is not an easy task, especially in the case of complex forms having different curvature segments and different local feedrates along their profile. To tackle the problem, this paper presents an offline gain adjustment method based on a receding horizon window strategy to improve the accuracy of the machined contour. The prediction is performed using a nonlinear model of the machine tool axes. The conducted simulations show the efficiency of such an approach.
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hal-02120164 , version 1 (13-09-2016)
hal-02120164 , version 2 (10-03-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-02120164 , version 1


Tan-Quang Duong, Pedro Rodriguez-Ayerbe, Sylvain Lavernhe, Christophe Tournier, Didier Dumur. Receding Horizon Based Offline Gain Adjustment For Contour Error Reduction In High Speed Milling. CIRP ICME ’16 - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent computation in manufacturing engineering, Jul 2016, Ischia, Italy. ⟨hal-02120164v1⟩
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