On Latency and Reliability of Road Hazard Warnings Over the Cellular V2X Sidelink Interface
Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages (DENMs) are generated by a vehicle upon detection of an accident or other hazards on the road, and need to be promptly and reliably transmitted. Delayed or lost messages may have fatal consequences, especially in critical driving situations, such as automated overtake and emergency braking, when vehicles can be very close to each other. In this letter, the DENM latency and reliability performances are characterized over the Cellular Vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) sidelink (PC5 interface). The conducted study uses analytical tools, among which stochastic geometry, to derive performance results, then validated by simulations. The results are applied to the case of DENMs for emergency electronic brake lights, and helpful insights are provided for this crucial case and for other more general DENM-assisted V2X use cases.