Modeling Interference Between OFDM/OQAM and CP-OFDM: Limitations of the PSD-Based Model
To answer the challenges put out by the next generation of wireless networks (5G), important research efforts have been undertaken during the last few years to find new waveforms that are better spectrally localized and less sensitive to asynchronism effects than the widely deployed Cyclic Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM). One of the most studied schemes is OFDM-Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OFDM/OQAM) based on the PHYDYAS filter pulse. In the recent literature, spectrum coexistence between OFDM/OQAM and CP-OFDM is commonly studied based on the Power Spectral Density (PSD) model. In this paper, we show that this approach is flawed and we show that the actual interference injected by OFDM/OQAM systems onto CP-OFDM is much higher than what is classically expected with the PSD based model in the literature. We show that though using OFDM/OQAM in secondary systems is still advantageous, it brings limited gain in the context of coexistence with incumbent CP-OFDM systems.
Engineering Sciences [physics]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |